How BlipMe handle your data

BlipMe is a lead generation service were corporate account holders create campaigns and let BlipMe users participate by scanning their personal QR-codes.

By letting a corporate user scan your QR-code using the BlipMe app you share your contact details with the corporate account holder.

To create a BlipMe account, receive a QR-code and establish contact between you and a corporate user BlipMe ask for your e-mail or mobile phone number. Some corporate users require more data in order for you to participate in their campaigns. BlipMe collect this data, making it available to the corporate user and saves it for and in accordance with an agreement with the corporate user. The corporate user can then come to transfer your personal data to other countries (outside the EU/EEA) for use within here stated purposes.

BlipMe is not responsible for how the corporate user manages your personal data.

Your personal data will be stored by BlipMe until removed on your request, by logging in to your BlipMe account and navigating to the "My contact details" section.

If you wish to obtain information on which personal data BlipMe store, request BlipMe to correct or delete inaccurate or incomplete data, you should send a written inquiry/request to BlipMe via e-mail (

By entering your e-mail or mobile phone number and recieving a QR-code, you agree that BlipMe store your personal data for the purposes and in the manner described above.

BlipMe AB

Tysta gatan 9
SE-115 20 Stockholm
Sweden 559002-0326